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Don’t miss out! – Sign up now to receive the very latest information and special offers on new and productive ways of working – we hope to inspire you towards better business meetings and better business results.

Our email updates will keep you informed with new technology trends for business collaboration, reliable product updates, plus practical advice and useful resources to help you succeed with your meeting room technology.

It would be great to keep in touch and from time to time and send you relevant emails. However, we first need your agreement to us contacting you via email for this purpose.

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If you would like to understand more…

As from the 25th May 2018, the law has changed with regards to data protection for personal information.

One of the key areas this affects is the law around email communication. In essence, we cannot send you an email without your prior approval, even if you have already opted in to receive emails from us in the past.

Our undertaking:

  • We will only send a maximum of one marketing email per calendar month.
  • We will not sell or share your data with any third party other than the suppliers we work with when it is appropriate or necessary to do so.
  • We look to hold basic information on yourself, mainly your email address and mobile phone number. Sometimes, we might document some other facts to help us build a closer working relationship with you. At any time, you can ask us for what data we hold on you, there is no fee for doing this.


  • Have the right to change your mind at any time for any reason should you wish to opt-out of receiving emails
  • Can view our full General Data Protection Regulation policy at